Mob Vote

During combat, Zombie Pigmen have 20 health and two armor points, reducing 8% of damage. When aggravated, they walk faster and become more aggressive, snorting a noisy aggro. Once angry, all zombie pigmen within a 67 x 67 x 21 to 111 x 111 x 21 blocks centered on the attacked zombie pigman will crowd and attack the player. They will all target the aggravator and subsequently any player within a 35 block radius of any zombie pigman who is hostile already, calling more zombie pigmen within 40 blocks.

Zombie Pigmen are the most common neutral mobs that live in the Nether. They are humanoid pig-zombies that hold a gold sword in their hand and are endemic to the Nether, but also spawn from Nether portals or pigs. They have a 5% chance to spawn a baby zombie pigman, where a baby zombie pigman has also a 5% chance to spawn a pigman jockey.

If you are lucky, they will teleport into water and die. Sometimes you may find Endermen while mining, so it is advisable to have a bucket of water. An Enderman is a three-block-high, humanoid, neutral mob that will attack any the Player if provoked and any mob that attacks it. Endermen are known for their unique abilities to teleport and pick up blocks. Unlike Husks, Zombies, Drowned, Zombie Villagers, and Zombie Pigman, thereis no such thing as Baby Enderman.

They become neutral when in a light level higher than 7, although they continue attacking any players they were attacking before being in this light level. Neutral mobs are sometimes passive and sometimes hostile toward the player.

Magma cubes are impervious to fall damage, drowning in water, fire and lava. Though they have faster forward speed in comparison to other mobs, they have no path finding and will drop in cliffs and can’t go around walls. Guardians drop 0-2 prismarine shards, increasing by one per level of Looting. They also have a 40% chance to drop a raw fish or a 40% chance of dropping a prismarine crystal with a 20% of not dropping either, adding one per Level of Looting. It can also drop another fish for a 2.5% chance when killed by a player.

Be very wary when a hostile Enderman suddenly disappears. They are still angry at you, but may have teleported too far away, into a nearby enclosed area, or are stuck.

Endermen have about a 25% chance to drop minecraft 1 ender pearl when killed. The drop is increased by 1 per level of Looting, with a maximum of 4 with Looting III.

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